alone we can do so little; togather we can do so much!!.

Strengthening Comprehensive Nutrition Interventions for Children & Women

Project Name:

Strengthening Comprehensive Nutrition Interventions for Children & Women


Nushki/ Sibi/ Kharan, Balochistan

Duration of the Project (months):


Total Number of Staff-months of the Assignment:




Start Date:


Completion Date:

Narrative Description of the Project:  
Balochistan, Districts ( Nushki, Kharan and Sibi ) 2012
With the support of UNICEF Balochistan ( AusAiD)

The overall objective of the proposed project is to save lives of malnourished children 6-59 months and to ensure that GAM (Global Acute Malnutrition) rate in the targeted area is maintained below the 15% emergency threshold by improving nutritional status through provision of effective nutritional services at the community and facility level; that meet national and internationally recommended minimum standard of care for population affected by malnutrition.


  • To reduce morbidity & mortality of malnourished children 6-59 months.
  • Improve the nutrition status of Pregnant & Lactating women.
  • Treatment of SAM without medical complications (including UNICEF – provided ready-to-use therapeutic foods) in OTP program.
  • Refer SAM with medical complication to SC
  • Refer MAM children and PLWs at risk to SFP
  • Formation of community support groups for IYCF and micronutrients.
  • Strengthening of outreach & mobilization at OTP and SFP covered and non cover areas.

Indicator of interventions.

  • Strengthening of 40 Static center including 10 mobile sites.
  • Screening of 74,102 vulnerable children (6-59 months of age) and 47,048 Pregnant and Lactating women in 3 – selected districts.
  • 2223 children treatment in outpatient therapeutic program (OTP)
  • Treatment and follow-ups of 333 children (15% of total SAM children) with medical complication at stabilization center (SC).
  • Referring of 7410 MAM children to Supplementary Feeding Program (SFP).
  • Treating of 6116 PLWs with multiple -micro nutrient tablets and folic acid at SFP sites.
  • Forming and storming community level supportive groups and motivation on micro nutrients and malnutrition.
  • Educating 6116 pregnant and lactating women on Infant & Young Child Feeding practices, health & hygiene, importance of female education and importance of immunization and polio drops through community mobilizing teams.
  • Providing Iron tablets (for anemia) to 23524 women.
  • Supporting of community outreach services of EPI & active involvement with deportment of health (DoH) staff in all stages.
  • Training and capacity building of Health Care Providers, Lady Health Workers, on CMAM and IYCF. 
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