alone we can do so little; togather we can do so much!!.

School Wash

Project Name:

School Wash


Kalat, Balochistan

Duration of the Project (months):


Total Number of Staff-months of the Assignment:




Start Date:


Completion Date:


Narrative Description of the Project:
SCAP – Balochistan implemented School WASH activities at District Kalat in 45- child friendly schools (CFS) with the support of Unicef WASH section, during the phase (6- months) the main activities were following:

  • Formation / reactivation of child clubs in targeted CFSs and training CCs on SSHE (School Sanitation & Hygiene Education).
  • Training of targeted CFSs teachers on SSHE.
  • Training of Parent Teachers School Management Committees (PTSMCs) and Women Village Education Committees (WVECs) on SSHE & maintenance of WASH facilities at CFSs.
  • Rehabilitation / reconstruction of water aprons with complete drainage system.
  • Rehabilitation / reconstruction of PFL (Pour Flush Latrine).
  • Construction of Hand Washing Places with drainage.

Keeping the view of above mentioned targeted activities SCAP – Balochistan committed team completed the project while having appreciation from concerns. The overall purpose of the project is to contribute to improving the living condition of the people of Kalat through promotion of improved environmental management by providing WES services in schools and integrating it with communities/villages for sustainable development. Under School WES, installation/construction of WES facilities, formation/activation and strengthening of PTSMCs on WES services, training for SHHE capacity building focusing on promotion of hygiene practices and O&M of WES facilities for the targeted girls and boys primary Schools, These activities will contribute to increased enrollment of children, especially of girls, in schools and reduce the dropout rate.
The key results of the School WES component are as under:

  • 6200 children (4,000 girl’s and 2,200 boys) of the targeted 75 schools of Kalat District will have access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation facilities. The same number of children will be reached with safe hygiene messages
  • 30 female & 30 male school teachers are trained on School Sanitation and Hygiene Education (SSHE) approach; and educating girls and boys to drink safe water, use soap to wash hands and defecate in latrines only.
  • 375 PTSMCs members are trained on SSHE and O&M of provided WES facilities

75 Child Clubs are formed and are trained on life skills-based hygiene education with Child to Child communication approach.

Water & Sanitation Facilities
(Latrines, Hand washing Place)